>> Ask Dr. Mentor!
Each month our Dr. Susan Weinberger, known to her many clients simply as "Dr. Mentor," takes time to answer some of the questions sent in by program staff and mentoring professionals around the world. These mentoring insights, stories, and best practices are collected in our quarterly e-newsletter and are archived on this page as an ongoing learning resource.
If you have a question for Dr. Mentor, you can send it to Susan at: drmentor@aol.com.
Dear Susan: We are trying to boost our number of mentors but are having a hard time. Have you heard of any good slogans or key messages that seem to work for selling the idea of mentoring?
-- Jane, New Haven, CT
Marketing your mentoring program must take place 365 days a year. Too many programs wait until they are in crisis mode before they really begin to think about trying new approaches. I'm glad to see that you are being proactive.
Many program coordinators have been asking about new ways to recruit special groups of mentors: men, teens, seniors, congragations, etc. I recommend that the message, or slogan, be tailored for eah group to reach their particular "heart."
In the marketing workshops MCG conducts across the country, we always have fun brainstorming targeted messages. In the word document below, you will find a lisitng of some clever examples created by your mentoring collegues. If visitors to the site have other examples they would like to share, email them to Susan at drmentor@aol.com, and we will add them to the list. Hopefully, this will be come the largest collection of mentor recruitment slogans on the Web!
Download Mentor Recruitment Slogans (Word doc)